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900pay900Pay offers a totally unique way to deposit funds into your online casino account. No online credit card details are required, no credit checks are required, no bank account details need to be submitted and the risk of fraud is virtually nil. How does 900Pay work then?

All online casino deposits are charged to your phone bill and it has never been more convenient to fund your casino account. This is possible at any online casino that supports 900Pay and the only requirement is for the user to select 900Pay as the deposit method in the cashier section of the casino website. A user can deposit anywhere from $25 to $50 at a time and this is then credited to your phone bill and will appear as a charge to Navaho Networks. A maximum of $500 can be deposited per month. There are no hidden charges or charges for long distance calls and it is completely anonymous because all that is required is a telephone number and an address.

Before using 900Pay, it is vital to check that there is no 900 line block on your phone line. This can be tested for free using a 900 number which is provided on the 900Pay website. If there is a block, it’s a good idea to contact your service provider who should deal with the problem and unblock it. Similarly, if a user comes across any problems, 900Pay also has 24-hour customer support, seven days per week.

Only 900pay can offer complete anonymity and no risk of credit card fraud. Although the deposit amounts are relatively small, it’s an incredibly convenient way to add funds to your casino account. It also provides a guaranteed method to deposit funds, unlike some other methods, for example credit cards, which can be blocked.

Currently only US users with US phone lines can use the 900Pay service.

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